Entering Public patrons
- Check database for an existing account.
- Give patron a library application. Be sure everything is filled out accurately according to instructions, including the back of the form. Initial the top left corner.
- Request picture ID and proof of address (or a valid card from another Colorado library). Acceptable proofs are personal acquaintance, envelope addressed to prospect with current postmark, valid driver’s license, Social Security card, etc.
- Non school patrons under 18 must have an application signed by a parent, legal guardian or foster parent. (Students of Crowley County School District are automatically library patrons and are subject to library and school rules. After leaving the School District, a library application must be completed to continue as a patron in good standing.
- Give patron an internet use agreement form and have it signed.
- On patron screen, scan the barcode from a library card. Ask the patron to sign the back.
- Enter in upper case the patron’s last and first names and gender. If an internet use agreement has been signed and turned in a “*” is placed after the first name, including names on the back of the application and on the screen under “message.”—for nonschool and adult patrons
- For non school patrons select “restricted” for patron type, unless the patron is a CLC patron, in which case indicate that is the case and include the library ID# if available. Patrons are restricted to 2 items for up to 3 months. At the point that reliability has been established they will be changed to the appropriate patron type.
- Click the address box and enter street, city, state, e-mail, phone and alternate phone, if available.
- If children may use the card, click the message box and enter the names of all minors authorized to use the card.
- Enter card expiration date of 5 years from today.
- Mail the patron their library card. Explain that they are restricted for 2 months’ probationary time with 2 checkouts only. If they have no address ID, they are restricted to computer use only. Changes in information need to be reported to the library. Contact them via phone first, then e-mail, then mail about overdues and fines, unless otherwise requested. Mail the patron a copy of the circulation policy. Explain the checkout and fines system and the services we provide. Their signature on the application indicates their agreement to abide by the library guidelines.
- Mail patron a current copy of the Friends of the Library brochure.